Uncomplicate the world of social media marketing

Designed for those seeking a marketing program that cuts costs without sacrificing quantity or quality of prospects.​

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the opportunity

Fill your calendar and workshops month-after-month

Megastars social media program has revolutionized the marketplace utilizing tomorrow’s technology and data analytics to promote lead generation beyond the abilities of our industry’s mail and digital vendors.

By creating an environment of learning and strategic ad placement, we are able to fill your calendar with quality prospects that are eager and engaged in the subject matter.

under the hood

The power of consumer driven marketing

Educational Firm

Unlock your social media potential by aligning yourself with the nations leading retirement education resource.

Strategic Ad Placement

Targeting the ideal prospect using our proprietary algorithms allowing you to allocate your marketing dollars as efficently and effectively as possible.

Quality Prospects

Through educational content, data-driven targeting and timely communications, we find and pair the right prospect with the right advisor at the right time.​

Confirmation Confidence

Provide an automated prospect reminder process with an email and text system that is seamlessly handled by us.

Perfect Your Presentation

A master class in all of our industries top presentations giving you the necessary tools to execute your best presentation.

Results Driven

Master the post presentation with advanced analytics in order to better close and retarget prospects through Megastar's MegastarIQ portal.


A library of presentations at your disposal

Social Security

The Social Security presentation brings the prospect on a journey from understanding the history of the benefit, the current status of the benefit, and how to best maximize the benefit from both an income and tax perspective. Because of its general appeal and convincing dialogue, it is sure to have a positive impact on your bottom line!

Empower Your Retirement

The Empower Your Retirement workshop covers a lot of ground in a short amount of time making to sure to educate all of those in attendance on how to create a happy, healthy, and efficient retirement plan. Starting with a great hook, this presentation takes the crowd on an adventure into “good ole days” of retirement and why understanding retirement planning has never been more important. With this presentation you are sure to “cover all the bases”, destroy pre-conceived notions, and leave your audience begging for answers!

Taxes and Retirement

With Taxes in Retirement you tackle one of the scariest and intimidating topics for most retirees. Each year retirees learn the hard way that “Uncle Sam” can dismantle even the most well thought out plans. The workshop starts with a simple education on the basics of retirement but then transitions to talk about the complexities of taxes and how to create a plan that preserves and protects your retirement assets from unnecessary tax consequence. You better ask the waiter to bring extra rolls, because this workshop is sure to butter their bread!

Tax Free Retirement

The tax-free retirement workshop bodes the question, is there really a way to completely avoid the tax man in retirement? If so, how?... The workshop begins by explaining the pros and cons of various retirement assets, eventually leading the prospect to the power of Roth IRA’s and Life insurance. Along the way we share tips and knowledge of how one can virtually eliminate the possibilities of tax on their Social Security assets and how to create a plan to rid themselves of the tax man! It never ceases to amaze and is sure to fill the appointment book!

Guaranteed Income For Life

Did they hear that right? Guaranteed income for life? Yes, they did! This workshop gets to the point quickly and never lets up! The world of retirement has changed since the near abolishment of the pension. Employers have placed the burden of retirement income in the hands of the people, without proper education. We take the audience through the rude awakening of some of the most common myths in retirement income planning and make the undeniable case for ANNUITIES. If you’re the type of advisor that likes to go straight for the jugular, close business quickly, and rid yourself of the “tire kickers”, this workshop is for you!

Estate Planning

This workshop centers around one of the most overlooked needs in retirement… Estate Planning! Retirement will inevitably end with the passing of loved ones, making the need for a proper estate plan pivotal. This workshop takes the time to go over one of the most commonly over-looked aspects of retirement planning. We explore the world of getting one’s “affairs in order”, setting up power of attorneys, living wills, and trusts. While most advisors tend to overlook estate planning workshops, these workshops tend to be the backbone of some of the most successful advisors in the business. The key… a good attorney relationship. Find that and you are well on your way to becoming the ‘one-stop-shop’ for your clients!

Ready to grow your business?

Megastar Advisors is committed to supporting the top producers in the industry. Founded on the backs of industry disrupters, we're not your typical FMO.

Learn about our marketing programs

Our dynamic programs fuse the power of traditional and internet marketing strategies to fulfill a single promise: we put you in front of more people.

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Become part of an ongoing network of advisors where you can forge relationships and make contacts that will support you throughout your career.

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